Friends of ELINZ
The Friends of ELINZ programme was established in 2018 and was intended to foster greater collegiality between member- and non-member practitioners (and in particular, advocates and lawyers), provide mutual benefits to our members and to our friends, and to address access to justice issues.
Friends will generally be senior practitioners who are considered experts in their field and who can commit to providing friendly assistance to ELINZ on a regular / ongoing basis.
If you would like further info about the Friends of ELINZ programme, please contact us.
Kathryn Dalziel

Kia ora!
My name is Kathryn Dalziel and I am a barrister at Walker Street Chambers in Christchurch specialising in employment and privacy law as well as civil litigation.
I teach in employment law and privacy and have published material in both those areas. I regularly provide papers and seminar sessions at employment and privacy conferences. I am also a legal ethicist and believe strongly in the benefits of professional organisation for the members of the profession as well as the public.
That is why I support ELINZ in setting and maintaining standards for the profession of employment advocates as well as helping members with practical advice. I am available to provide support and advice, particularly in privacy law which often has a part to play in employment disputes.
Please visit my website if you want more information or my contact details:
Jenni-Maree Trotman

Jenni-Maree is a graduate of the University of Auckland, graduating in 1999 with a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Japanese.
For over 20 years, Jenni-Maree has represented businesses and individuals on a wide range of civil and commercial matters, employment, property disputes, estate litigation, insolvency and bankruptcy, and construction disputes including leaky building disputes.
Jenni-Maree was a Member of the Employment Relations Authority from March 2017 until her resignation and return to the bar in September 2020. During her tenure she investigated employment disputes, issued determinations, and assisted parties to resolve their issues through the use of facilitation.
Following Jenni-Maree’s return to private practice, she has continued to provide civil, commercial and employment advocacy, as well as undertaking workplace investigations, mediations and arbitrations. She has also been providing weekly training to the lawyers at the Auckland Community Law Centre to enable greater access to justice.
Jenni-Maree’s extensive experience has equipped her with the skills necessary to assist parties to identify, address, negotiate and to resolve issues in dispute as a lawyer, mediator, facilitator and arbitrator.
Jenni-Maree is accredited as an Associate Member of the Arbitrators and Mediators Institute of New Zealand and is an Authorised Farm Debt Mediator under s 46 of the Farm Debt Mediation Act 2019