Gerard Elwell
Gerard is a Senior Associate at Young Hunter heading our employment (advisory + dispute resolution) team. He has considerable experience representing employers and employees in all aspects of employment law including employment agreements, independent contractor arrangements, employment policies, restructuring and redundancy, employment investigations, privacy law, discrimination, bullying, harassment, dispute resolution (litigation) and complex settlement [...]
Jaenine Badenhorst
Experienced Employment Lawyer (since 2008), Mediator, Independent Workplace Investigator. I have over a decade of experience advising employers and employees to resolve disputes quickly and cost effectively. I provide clear advice so you can understand your options and make informed choices with confidence. I focus on practical outcomes that achieve your goals, and fit your budget [...]
Kerry Tattersall
Baker Tilly Staples Rodway Hawke’s Bay Limited, Associate, Senior ER/HR Consultant and Licensed Private Investigator
Louise Smith
I am an admitted Barrister & Solicitor after completing my LLB at University of Canterbury, while working as an advocate for the past 4.5 years under under the umbrella of Coromandel Employment Services Ltd. I have broad industry experience from aviation and law enforcement to veterinary nursing and human healthcare industries. With me you [...]